Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Song of the Butterfly [Hungary 2014] HD


While attending Everness Festival in Hungary we were invited by artist Istvan Sky Kék Égto to visit his Surya Sangíta Asram. There four beautiful souls met together and by improvising created the musical adventure you are witnessing now.
Music made by Collaboration of: Istvan Sky Kék Ég, Estas Tonne, Pablo Arellano, Indrė Kuliešiūtė.
Video made by Geri Dagys

This track is available for download from:
ETMusic Site:

More info about artists
Estas Tonne - http://estastonne.com
Pablo Arellano - http://pabloarellano.org
Istvan Sky Kék Ég - http://miracles.hu
Indrė Kuliešiūtė - http://facebook.com/kuliesiute.indre
Geri Dagys - http://abu2.com

Monday, September 11, 2017


Research is creating new knowledge.

- Neil Armstrong

Sunday, September 10, 2017

9th International Art Fest 2017 BANGKOK, THAILAND

9th International Art Fest started from 2nd September 2017 at 11-Art Space Sathorn, in Bangkok, Thailand..
I am deeply honoured to become the Indian Team's renowned Artist and representing India.
Mr. Maks and Ms. Jenis, celebrity and Renowned Contemporary Thai Artist, inaugurated the Exhibition.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Electronic midea covers art Exhibition of Artist Sourabh Bhatt art works. He presenting his creations in 11 Art Space, Sathorn Art Gallery, in BANGKOK THAILAND.


Electronic midea covers art Exhibition of Artist Sourabh Bhatt art works. He presenting his creations in 11 Art Space, Sathorn Art Gallery, in BANGKOK THAILAND.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Friday, September 1, 2017

Artist Studio
