Tuesday, April 24, 2018


In an atmosphere where every morning, our newspapers greet us with stories of girls being tormented, raped, killed or treated like a doormat in one way or another, trust India's “village republics” to bring in some good news from time to time.

One such village in southern Rajasthan's Rajsamand district is quietly practicing its own, homegrown brand of Eco-feminism and achieving spectacular results.

Here, villagers plant 111 trees every time a girl is born and the community ensures these trees survive, attaining fruition as the girls grow up.

SSE- a world school, planned an overnight trip to Piplantri on 23rd of April 2018. Students of grades 6 CP to 11 IB visited this place. Around 45 students were accompanied by10 teachers. The students had an amazing experience. Meditation amidst nature, cooking their own food, understanding the natural environment and its importance, meeting local school students, understanding the concepts of physics through nature, learning to make animal trap, trekking, learning to make colours naturally and painting a wall out of it, pumping underground water, learning about the life saving skills and above all learning to respect women…these all and many more learning outcomes were achieved in this short trip. Exceptionally well organised and a tremendous learning experience was offered to all the Sangamites !!!

Friday, April 13, 2018

5 year Master Artist doing Painting


Tuesday, April 10, 2018


IMAGINATION is just a thinking
Think out, be great
Every one have a camera,
It just depends on your vision...

Aesthetic Beauty is every where..
just need to learn to see it and feel it..

Yes this was the sudden and combined lecture with grade VI-CP & IX-IGCSE Students.

In this photographic basic class, the upcoming talent learned and understand the basic concept of photo capturing. And able to understand the power of vision.

Now they have vision to see the world through Artistic Eye with their own hand made camera...

Just zoom and see it, how they are observing and capturing the  beauty.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Sunday, April 1, 2018